01332 72 72 74
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Many years of experience

Impartial suggestions

Impartial suggestions

Cost effective prices

Cost-effective prices

Your Hearing

 Hearing difficulties?

 Undiagnosed hearing issues lead to stress and fatigue. Often, hearing loss is noticed by people around us before we are aware of it ourselves. Call Just Hearing today for your hearing health check. We can also offer home visits across Derbyshire.

Get the help you need

Whether your own hearing is causing you distress or you're unsure about your child's hearing abilities, you can always depend on us for a comprehensive hearing test and a full audiological report. With years of experience in this field, I also provide testing and reports on industrial safety matters. I will take you through questionnaires and assessments and deliver the results in a jargon-free and easy manner.
hearing issues

How to detect hearing issues:

Ask yourself a few simple questions:
  • Have your family, friends or colleagues mentioned that you are not hearing them well?
  • Does the TV, music system or radio need to be louder for you than others?
  • Do you feel exhausted at the end of a family gathering or a party with friends?
  • Should people speak clearly and more slowly to you than before?
  • Do you feel irritated during group conversations?
If the answer to any of these is yes, contact us today.
Sarah Barlow photo

Hearing help:

As independent hearing specialists, we can provide you with a wide range of hearing aids to suit your specific needs. You can rely on us for hearing aids that are comfortable, easy to use and meet your budget. We can also provide maintenance and re-tuning for your existing hearing aid.
Call us on
01332 72 72 74
for a consultation regarding hearing issues.
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